Picture this… you are living in your family home of 40 years, you don’t want to move anywhere else. Then you have a fall and can no longer take care of yourself in your own home. Rather than being forced into a care facility or situation that is not your ideal for you or your family, let us help you plan towards options that do work for you.

We are an Accredited Aged Care Professional and our planning process talks you through the options that are available to you

How we can help you with your retirement planning:

Reduced aged care costs.

By having the knowledge and foresight we can help you find better solutions than those that may be presented if you did not do your research prior to needing the service.

Paying less tax.

We can advise on structuring your assets, investments and superannuation for tax effectiveness and flexibility.

Asset protection.

Aged care is a complex and expensive process.  Usually the family home of the aged care entrant is their major asset and required to be used as payment for a deposit into the aged care facility.  There are so many questions that arise from this situation that we can help you make the best choices with the risk management and your asset protection.

Assistance with Centrelink assessment.

The government has schemes set up to assist people with aged care however it can be a complicated and overwhelming process that we can assist you get the most from.

Facility placement.

There are a huge number of aged care facilities out there and the things to think about when deciding on the right place for your loved one are infinite. We can help you with the answers to questions that you may have when making these decisions and questions that you may not know you should to ask.

Find out how to plan and make the best decisions for aged care – call us today!

How we have helped others achieve their financial goals