Asset Allocation Styles

When investing, it is imperative that you are selecting a suitable asset allocation style that aligns with investment objectives. There are typically 3 asset allocation styles investors use to build and maintain their portfolios. These are strategic, tactical, and dynamic asset allocation. In this month’s edition of WD Life, we will compare these allocation styles…


The Importance of Superannuation

The hustle and bustle of life can often lead to superannuation being an afterthought. However, as the cost of living rises and people are living longer, having a healthy super balance is becoming increasingly important. No matter your stage of life, it is never too early or too late to be pro-active about your superannuation. In…

Inter-Generational Transfer of Wealth

As the cost of living including housing prices continues to rise, many parents are providing greater financial security for their children. This has led to more family discussions regarding the transfer of wealth. Transferring wealth between generations can be a challenge when there are many parties involved with different opinions and no clear plan in…